Monday 15 July 2019


Know the benefits of Laravel before hiring a developers

With the increase in the use of the internet for every purpose; right from leisure to business, the number of websites getting developed is increasing each day. We have moved from static to dynamic websites and Laravel has made it easier for us to develop such dynamic websites. Whether you are going to choose a Laravel development services provider or hire Laravel Programmers, Following in this regard are worth mentioning,

  1. Authentication and Authorization
    Each owner of the web application must ensure that users are who they say they are and thus to prevent unauthorized users that gain access to secured/paid resources.
  2. Security

    Inbuilt security features within itself make laravel safe by encrypting passwords (bcrypt algorithm for the same use), while the store in the database. It offers also protection against SQL injection SQL statements.
  3. Enhanced Performance
    there are times when certain features and functionalities affect site performance. But laravel comes with several tools that help the developers to improve Web application performance. Tools such as Memcached and redistributed should be integrated into the laravel Framework web applications to develop and easier for developers' Web application performance to improve things. This means that with laravel, you can have the most powerful web app
  4. Template engine
    Laravel framework has built-in light templates to a stunning layout with dynamic content that can create seeding. It has many widgets including JS and CSS code with fixed structures. The originals of these frameworks are designed to build a simple layout with different sections.
  5. Error & Exception Handling
    Errors and exceptions handling is to improve an important factor in ease of use. Many times there are errors in the application itself, which can be frustrating for the visitor/user, and there are also times when a mistake by the user is entered (for example, a mandatory field blank to leave in a registration form). All of these errors and exceptions must be removed from a web application usability improvement. If the fault of the developer side, it is fixed and if they are from the user side, it is necessary to inform the user about the same for his mistake and correct it. Normally, developers are required to write code for these functions. But with laravel, error and exception handling is already configured, it is also integrated with monologue Library, which gets support for hard log handler.
Development of a web application is a mix of simple and creative tasks. Good developers how they work together (to project from the project repetition) to do in so little time as possible (without compromising quality) before you much to write custom functions earlier. Web frameworks are tools that make it easier to quickly solve common tasks in order to focus more quickly on their own application logic (creative tasks).

The best web frameworks like laravel help developers to do it, and this means that laravel-based development software to make delivery on time and cost. Moreover, laravel is scalable and it is no problem to find new developers, this framework is very popular.

Features of Laravel Framework [Infographic]

Here are some of the best features of PHP laravel framework thus making among developers and businesses it popular. Laravel provides Eloquent Object Relational Mapping (ORM) includes a simple PHP Active implementation. Laravel framework provides strong web application security.

Laravel is one of the most popular and widely used open-source frameworks today. Laravel is a PHP MVC framework that provides a standardized and flexible platform for high-performance PHP web application development. This framework is young and promising, but it makes extensive use of best practices, must be business use. The PHP framework is sufficient to open both the source application development needs of businesses small and companies. The great community support provides a quick solution to your programming problems. It also offers many informative blogs, forums and expert advice for trouble-free coding.

Why Laravel is Perfect for Your Business

A right PHP framework to develop Choosing a web application for your company a very difficult task maybe because there are so many other options available. For the past few years, we use at TechCompose solutions laravel frame on a regular basis for laravel website development. We have worked and tested other development framework PHP. However, we had some additional features and capabilities.

  1. Robust Software Architecture

    Laravel implemented a so-called template engine blade that automates plates template boiler. Following the pattern of Model-View-Controller, the entire code base for future scalability and easier management code is separated and structured, something that is a must in complex development projects. CLI tools like Artisan to ensure that the system meets all phases of development, architectural design ensure.
  2. Authorization Technique

    Laravel framework enables the implementation of authentication techniques simple. Almost everything is perfectly configured. Laravel provides a very easy way to organize a permit logic and control access to various sources.
  3. Test-Driven Development

    Laravel allows developers to unit testing as a feature in the frame to implement even built. With built-in support for cross-integration with packages such as selenium and PHPUnit. A wide range of high-transaction Mission Critical implementations can be safely developed and implemented to test automation benefits.
  4. Object-Oriented Libraries

    The Eloquent ORM package applications developed laravel make sure prevents SQL bottlenecks. The integrated Active implementation allows database tables are packed be used in classes with object instances, to call them, so that the developer version of SQL queries to write. Defining the database tables and their relationships is all that is needed to set up the database part Eloquent.
  5. MVC Support

    Another reason that makes the best laravel PHP framework, it supports MVC architecture as Symfony, ensure clarity between logic and presentation. MVC helps to improve performance, improve documentation and has several built-in features. Here's how MVC works for laravel.
  6. Database Migration

    With the laravel framework for database migration, it is extremely easy. As long as you keep all database migrations and work in seed, you can simply click on a different development machine you change migrate. 

Learn How To Create Basic Laravel Website

Since its first publication in 2011, has experienced exponential growth laravel. In 2015, it became the most favorite PHP framework on GitHub, rising to the go-to framework for people around the world. we also described the benefits of using Laravel for web development in the past article.

Laravel focuses on the end-user first, which means its focus on simplicity, clarity and more work is done. People and companies use them to build all projects from a simple hobby to Fortune 500 companies around the track.

My goal with this tutorial laravel, only to learn a guide for those who create laravel. This guide will take you from the beginning of an idea into a real-purpose application.

exclusive video for you in which you will learn how to create a basic Laravel website. This series contains different aspects of Laravel such as routes, views, controller models, migrations and so on. In the end, you will be able to create your own website using Laravel 5.

Laravel applications follow the traditional Model-View-Controller design pattern, where you use:

  • Controllers to handle user requests and retrieve data, by leveraging Models
  • Models to interact with your database and retrieve your objects’ information
  • Views to render pages